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European Citizenship is being taken for granted!
ECIT Foundation is the only organisation that brings all the different components of European Citizenship together. Created as a public foundation, ECIT is entirely devoted to this cause, making this unique transnational citizenship our sole “raison d’être”.
At first sight, EU Citizenship is simply in the making, with more Europeans than ever before, interacting across borders and living or working in other European countries. Being a citizen of Europe has both legal substance, and deep cultural and historical roots.
Right-wing extremist and populist forces are appealing to xenophobia and retreating behind national borders. Events such as Brexit could cause the loss of this status at a stroke. Make no mistake — EU Citizenship might be a “social fact”, but it is being quietly side-lined from political discourse as an irrelevance. This is occurring even when repeated crises show us that only solidarity and common citizenship can allow Europe to progress.
If you are passionate about EU Citizenship, get in contact with us to ask us questions or give us proposals, or just come and meet us.
What else can you do? You can support us and the work we do by making a donation to ECIT in order to strengthen our capacity to fight for a stronger and more inclusive European Citizenship. With your help, we can continue to work on our ambitious programme.

Thanks to your generous donation our initiatives can continue to grow and set positive goals for the future of Europe. We are so grateful for your continuing support.
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Get involved by signing European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECIs) — a participatory democracy instrument for EU citizens. Once an initiative gathers one million signatures with a minimum threshold reached in at least seven countries, the European Commission must decide whether or not to take action.
Translators, Statisticians, Cartographers, Website Designers, Writers, etc — if you would like to be involved in a more hands-on capacity, we would love to hear from you.