Pros and cons on each of the three questions

for an informed Symbolic Vote

1. Should votes at 16 be spread throughout the EU?

  1. Encouragement of young people to be active participants in shaping their future.
  2. Promotion of political awareness, fostering a more informed electorate.
  3. Representation of youth concerns (e.g. education, employment, and climate change).
  4. Consistency within the EU on the subject of 16-year-old voters.
  5. Increase of diversity of perspectives into the political discourse.
  6. Enhancing democracy, inclusivity and equality.of
  1. Possible influence from family, peers, or external actors.
  2. Possible lack of sufficient interest in politics. 
  3. Possible lack of the necessary maturity to make informed voting.
  4. Difficult harmonisation of voting laws in the Member States.

2. Should EU citizens be able to vote and stand in all elections in their country of residence?

  1. Inclusivity and reinforcement of democratic principles.
  2. Integration into the social and political fabric of the home State.
  3. Political representation of a more diverse population.
  4. Compliance with the principles of mobility and freedom in the EU.
  5. Promotion of the European identity.
  1. Potential dilution of national citizenship, undermining the notion of identity.
  2. Potential conflicts of interest between citizens and non-citizens.
  3. Difficult implementation of legal and administrative frameworks.

3. Should the political rights of EU citizens be extended to all residents?

  1. Strengthening the democratic process through inclusivity and integration.
  2. Representing all interests as all residents are affected by political decisions.
  3. Such extension could foster social cohesion by recognising residents’ contributions to society.
  4. It complies with the principle of equality within the democratic process.
  1. Undermining national citizenship and its rights and responsibilities.
  2. Facing changes of enforcement to existing laws and constitutional frameworks.
  3. Blurry distinction between status of long-term resident and EU citizen.

Avec le soutien du Bourgmestre, de la Première Échevine en charge des Événements, de l’Échevine de l’Europe, et des membres du Collège des Bourgmestre et Échevins de la Commune d’Ixelles.