More than 13.7 million people live in one of the European Union Member States and hold citizenship of another European Union Member State. Usually, they have little to no involvement in the political processes of the European Union. These mobile citizens also face everyday challenges that are easily solvable but are little known to people who live in their country of citizenship.
The MobileCIT project was aimed at this population group. The project proposes 14 carefully selected issues that are characteristic of mobile citizens and that can be solved if EU citizens explicitly express a wish to solve them. Respondents voted on the online platform
The collected responses were used by MobileCIT project partners to lobby for the resolution of the raised issues in the institutions of the European Union and Council of Europe.
“Should mobile EU citizens be allowed to vote online in European Parliament elections?”
“Should mobile EU citizens be allowed to vote in national elections in their country of residence?”
“Should the voting age for European Parliament elections be lowered to 16 throughout the EU?”
“Should it be easier for mobile EU citizens to get citizenship of their country of residence in the EU?”
“Should there be transnational lists of candidates in European Parliament elections?”
“Should the EU introduce a European citizen card?”
“Should there be simplified EU-wide rules for cross-border teleworking?”
“Should the EU negotiate agreements with third countries to protect the healthcare rights of EU citizens residing there?”
“Should an EU-wide digital driving license be introduced?”
“Do civil society organisations that represent mobile EU citizens need dedicated funding opportunities?”
“Should the EU propose free movement legislation requiring all Member States to recognise same-sex partners from another Member State?”
“Should academic qualifications be automatically recognized in all EU Member States?”
“Should the obligation of double military duty be removed for EU citizens who hold the citizenship of two EU Member States?”
“Should partnerships and marriages of (rainbow) families be automatically recognized within the EU?”
The article is posted in collaboration with MobileCIT.